Thai Massage and its Benefits
Thai Massage is an ancient massage technique and is a part of traditional Thai Medicine. This unique massage therapy restores the flow of energy and harmonizes the complete energy level inside our body. It makes use of combination of various techniques like manual therapy, myo-facial techniques, reflexology, trigger point treatments, neuro-muscular therapy and some combination of yoga postures. The person undergoing this massage is dressed comfortably and the massage procedure is done on the floor. It focuses on complete body, which starts from the foot region and progresses gradually towards head region by making use of gentle exercise movements on certain energy lines present in the body known as nadis. It is also considered to be healing art, because the procedure focuses on combination of acupressure techniques, tranquility of meditation, yoga stretching, acupressure and small exercise movements.
Another interesting aspect about Thai massage is that it is a combination of Chinese medicine and also a touch of Indian ayurvedic healing in it. Because, acupressure points used these techniques originates from Chinese medicine. And, Different Yoga postures employed in Thai massage, actually originates from Indian philosophy. With Thai massage, one gets the complete benefits of both the traditional healing cultures of ancient medicine.
The benefits of Thai massage are numerous and range from mental, physical and psychological.
Physical Benefits:
Some of the common physical benefits are flexibility of muscles, posture improvements, Immune system boosting, muscle relaxation, mobility stimulation, detoxification of the body, stimulation of circulatory system, improved movements of body, enhanced elasticity levels, anti-aging promotion and Improvements in breathing. Many people love the fact that their whole body is fully energized after a complete Thai massage.
Mental Benefits:
Among many mental benefits that one could experience with this massage are increased focus, mind clarity, creative thoughts and a better outlook towards life. With frequent sessions of this massage therapy, your mind would be more relaxed than ever and you feel afresh.
Psychological benefits:
Some of the psychological benefits are reduced stress and anxiety levels, discipline, increased inner energy levels, overall natural confidence and also increased self control. . After Thai massage, both your mind and body is energized and feels rejuvenating.
The actual idea behind the origination of Thai massage is explained as follows: Any ailment or illness could be caused due to inequity of vital energy inside our body. The main objective behind this treatment is to improve the vitality balance of the body and also help the person improve/recover his/her complete health. In order to accomplish this main objective, it makes of combination of various techniques. The massage practitioner applies pressure on the vital energy lines of our body and gives a soothing feel to the person undergoing the therapy. Any person can undergo Thai massage therapy and get its complete health benefits. Generally, all the techniques employed in this procedure are time consuming, which could last up to three to four hours, But one experiences refreshing and rejuvenating-self after this beneficial massage therapy. Thai massage is a very good choice, if one requires a more holistic approach to their body.